Embark on a supernatural journey with the Marvel Jujutsu Kaisen Nobara Kugisaki 1164 Funko Pop, bringing the fierce and fearless character to life in a captivating 3.75-inch vinyl figure. Inspired by the hit anime and manga series, this collectible pays homage to Nobara’s strength, tenacity, and unique jujutsu abilities.
With meticulous attention to detail, Funko has crafted Nobara Kugisaki in her signature combat outfit, capturing her dynamic presence and powerful aura. From her distinctive weapon to the intense expression on her face, every element is carefully sculpted to honor the spirit of this beloved character.
Numbered 1164 in the series, this Funko Pop is a testament to Nobara Kugisaki’s impact on the Jujutsu Kaisen universe. Whether you’re a dedicated fan of the series or a Funko Pop enthusiast, adding this limited edition figure to your collection allows you to showcase the magic and excitement of Jujutsu Kaisen.
Bring the world of curses and sorcery into your home with the Marvel Jujutsu Kaisen Nobara Kugisaki 1164 Funko Pop. Don’t miss your chance to own a piece of the Jujutsu Kaisen phenomenon – secure your Funko Pop today and let Nobara’s resilience and power shine on your display!
special notes
original packaging?